Israel’s Open Dialogue second conference
February, 10 2022
9:00 am GMT+0200 - 4:00 pm GMT+0200 -
Zoom meeting - Registration
On February 10, 2022, the second conference on Open Dialogue in Israel will take place online on the Zoom platform. The meeting will be the biggest national event for OD’s community this year and an opportunity to learn more about the OD implementation in Israel.
Most lectures will be held by trained OD graduates in Israel. Moreover, the first pilot project to implement OD in an Israeli public hospital will be presented. Global aspects of OD will be discussed, and Raffaella Pocobello will give a presentation on “HOPEnDialogue Project: Global Research of OD Teams” (in English).
A simultaneous English translation will be available for all lectures held in Hebrew, and both national and international therapists and supporters are invited to join the conference.
The conference is organized by ODI – Open Dialogue Israel, a non-profit organization that aims to implement the OD approach in Israel.
Click here to learn more about the programme and register for the conference.