We are delighted to inform you that a special issue on Open Dialogue is about to be launched.

This collection, named “Open Dialogue around the globe”, will be published in Frontiers in Psychology. It will include papers and contributions on Open Dialogue practices, outcomes, impact, and future directions worldwide.

Peers, survivors, users, clinicians, and researchers are all welcomed to provide diverse set of perspectives. If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Raffaella Pocobello (raffaella.pocobello@istc.cnr.it) and Sebastian von Peter (sebastian.vonpeter@mhb-fontane.de).

The deadline for the abstract submission is February 25 2022. The final deadline for manuscript submission will be September 30 2022.

We will consider contributions in a range of formats, and detailed information on article types can be found below.

Click here to submit your abstract


Manuscript types:

All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed. We will consider for review:

  • qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method original research on Open Dialogue (OD), reporting on empirical research, such as the results of intervention studies, clinical or pilot trials;
  • systematic reviews or mini-reviews that summarize the results of empirical studies on OD;
  • case reports that highlight an unexpected situation or outcome of an OD course of support;
  • policy and practice reviews on local regulations and guidelines that are relevant for OD;
  • hypotheses papers that present novel arguments, interpretations or theoretical models in relation to OD;
  • perspective articles that present a viewpoint on a specific area of investigation in relation to OD;
  • conceptual analysis articles that explore the concepts and issues behind OD;
  • papers on training and instructions that describe innovative curricula, courses and teaching formats concerning OD;
  • data report, presenting a description or a research dataset on OD;
  • brief research report that presents original research and/ or preliminary findings on OD with fewer detail;
  • commentary and opinion papers that provide critical comments or contribute viewpoints on recent research findings.

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