Online Workshop: Strengthening the Open Dialogue Network
April, 09 2025
3:00 pm CEST - 6:00 pm CEST -
Online - TBD
Recognizing the evolution of the Open Dialogue network into a large and complex international community, several efforts have been made over the past year to support this process, including the organization of open online meetings and the establishment of several ‘Working Groups,’ each focused on exploring key themes (see below for more details).
In response to communication gaps and other challenges, the HOPEnDialogue Team and the Facilitators of the Working Groups have organized an online workshop on April 9, 2025, from 15:00 to 18:00 CEST. Open to everyone, this workshop will present the progress and discussions held so far. It will also provide an opportunity for individuals who have not yet been involved to learn more about the ongoing efforts. Together, we will reflect on ways to shape and sustain the development of the network.
We invite you to share this information with others who may be interested and hope these efforts will increase transparency, inclusivity, and accessibility within the Open Dialogue network.
We look forward to connecting at the workshop and collaborating in strengthening our community.
The HOPEnDialogue Team and Facilitators of the Working Groups
Here is a summary on the history of the workshop and possible topics to be discussed.
Challenges in Organizing the Network
The Open Dialogue network has grown into a large, complex international meeting, with members across different countries and time zones. While this is a testament to its success, it has also brought challenges:
- Communication gaps: We currently rely on the HOPEnDialogue mailing list, national mailing lists, facebook sites and word of mouth, but information does not always reach everyone.
- Discontinuities in efforts: While there have been several initiatives to address similar challenges—such as those in Helsinki in 2018 and at other instances—these efforts have often been difficult to sustain over time.
- Need for structure: Annual meetings have served as key organizational opportunities, but there’s a growing need for a more structured approach to ensure inclusivity and accessibility.
- Complex dynamics: Efforts to address issues like training, organizational structures, and dialogue often face hurdles, including emotionally charged discussions, language barriers, and scheduling difficulties.
Despite these challenges, we believe there is immense potential to strengthen our collective efforts through better communication and collaboration.
Progress and Recent Efforts
Ahead of the London network meeting in 2024, two organizational meetings were held in April and May. Invitations were shared via mailing lists and the HOPEn Dialogue website. However, we recognize that some of you did not receive this information, and we are working to improve transparency going forward.
At these meetings, four working groups were established:
- Research – Coordinated by Francesca and Raffaella
- Training – Coordinated by Philia
- General Issues – Coordinated by Martin and Lupo
- Future of Network Meetings – Coordinated by Jaakko
These groups met multiple times before the London network meeting to address key organizational topics.
Additionally, a new group focused on Power and Training emerged from the London meeting. Initially coordinated by Sebastian and Dita, this group is now experimenting with rotational coordination and sharing responsibility for the processes, reflecting a collaborative and dialogical approach to leadership.
During the meeting in London, it became clear that there is significant interest in further involvement and in advancing the organizational aspects of the Open Dialogue network. We are truly grateful for your enthusiasm and commitment. Initially, we proposed the creation of a small board to support the HOPEn Dialogue network board in addressing these organizational challenges. However, due to the overwhelming response it has become evident that the next steps may need to go beyond our original proposal.
Next Steps
To continue building momentum, we have organized an online workshop on April 9, 2025, from 15:00 to 18:00 CEST, open to everyone.
This workshop will serve as an opportunity for the groups to present what has been discussed so far and allow individuals who have not yet been involved to learn more about the ongoing efforts.
During our meeting, we also highlighted the need to dedicate part of the workshop to collectively reflecting on ways to shape and sustain the network’s development. This important topic has not yet been explicitly addressed by any group, and we believe it deserves focused attention during the workshop.
Possible Topics for Exploration and Discussion:
- Processes for creating, joining, and communicating about working groups.
- Mandates, reporting, decision-making, and care work within the network.
- Identifying additional working groups to address emerging needs.
Some examples of potential new working groups include:
- Exploring national contexts and solutions to common challenges.
- Developing communication strategies to improve inclusivity and information-sharing.
- Addressing organizational issues, such as decision-making processes and care work.
Participants will have the chance to join specific groups or propose new ones. The outcomes of these discussions will be shared at the next Psychosis network conference in Rovaniemi, Finland (August 27–31, 2025).
We will circulate further details, including how to join the workshop and the agenda, as the date approaches.